Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | How I Made the Move to Freelance Full-Time
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How I Made the Move to Freelance Full-Time

It’s the plunge when every freelance writer must stand on the edge of the board and consider at some point: “Do I dive into the freelance life, or do I continue to tread water as a moonlighter?” The transition from full-time employment at a magazine, website, publishing house or media company to standing on your own two legs — er, 10 fingers — isn’t merely about having contacts and assignments, but having confidence in your ability to manage finances, your attention span, taxes, and the list rattles on.

Though plenty of journalists are able to reap success without being confined to a single publication or job title, understanding what’s waiting for you in the deep end can help you know if you’re fully prepared to jump. As a professional writer who has been freelancing for a decade and consulting full-time for about a year, I knew I was ready when I had a steady workflow that allowed me to survive, save, and travel — without worrying too much about the specifics.

Even so, like many of these freelancers, I built my freelance trajectory through trial-and-error and through developing systems to keep me honest and accountable. As the trite saying goes (but hey, it’s true): It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s definitely been worth the risk.

Here, well-known and talented writers share their perspective for transitioning into #thatfreelancelife as seamlessly as possible. Read my post on ClearVoice

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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