Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | I [Bungee] Jumped Off the Auckland Bridge Today
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I [Bungee] Jumped Off the Auckland Bridge Today

This journey has taught me so much about life, about friendship, about humanity and about myself. Travel forces you to walk the plank into the unknown, fueled by curiosity and bravery, empathy and trust. In many ways, it’s revealed the wings I always knew I had, opened my eyes to sights I never thought I’d see and liberated me to let myself just be in the moment. That’s why it was fitting that the Beatles’s song, Blackbird came on right before it was my turn, calming my nerves and letting this Yugen bird fly into the South American leg of what will surely be, one of the best years of my life

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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