Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | Slow Down, Time, Slow Down
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Slow Down, Time, Slow Down

“Things will happen when they happen, and not one minute sooner. That is the way of life, it runs at its own pace. Enjoy as many minutes as you can.” -Rob Kozak

Struggling with the concept of time in Remote Year. It all moves so fast, yet so magically. I’m afraid to blink but often close my eyes to hold onto the moment, knowing there are so many I’ll never be able to put into words.
Like tonight, meeting deadlines from my apartment in Kuala Lumpur. Or how in a week, I’ll be on a new continent, a new country, a new beach in Sydney. And then a week later, celebrating Christmas in Bali with 20 people who used to be strangers. Yet a week later, 2018 will be here and with it, my new home in Thailand. For a month anyway.

My only resolution? To let the journey take me wherever it might, at whatever pace and to keep on reminding myself it’s not a race. It’s life. And it’s beautiful.

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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