Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | Love Defies All Differences
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Love Defies All Differences

When we move to a new place, the local Remote Year city teams do more than share the WiFi password of the co-working space, set up our apartments and make lunch recommendations.

They invite us into their hearts and lives for a month, sharing their passions and their histories, inviting us to experience and study the sliver of the world they call home. They challenge us to open our minds and ask questions, be brave, hungry and absorbent, taking in both the monuments and minute details you might miss if you don’t look up.
Without them and their relentless, hardworking and spirited souls, we would never get to know the true beauty of these destinations.

Thank you Rez, for allowing us to be part of your wedding day and to witness the melting of cultures and families, demonstrating the unique, generous nature of Malaysia, yet again. It was an honor to attend my first Muslim wedding and to see your joy. Wishing you and your lovely, sweet and smart bride, Azah, a lifetime of love, smiles like these and of course, food!

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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