Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | My First 48 Hours in Southeast Asia…
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My First 48 Hours in Southeast Asia…

In my first 48 hours in Southeast Asia, I:

-Fell into an open grate, with one full leg going all the way in, resulting in two gnarly bruises.

-Watched a cockroach run across the restaurant floor under our feet while we ate Indian food.

-Marveled at the geckos crawling up all of the walls of buildings, laying out in the sun, surprising me each time.

-Lost the vast majority of the salt I retained in Japan in the extreme humidity and 90-degree weather.

-Forgot I couldn’t brush my teeth with tap water. Paused. Brushed my teeth anyway. 

-Felt like I was walking down Times Square, hearing countless languages, smelling the sticky streets mixed with spices from Thailand and India and beyond. 

-Spent less than $5 for some of the best street food I’ve ever had.

-… finally understood why everyone said to go to SE Asia. What an adventure.

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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