Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | Eating Dinner in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest On a Wednesday
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Eating Dinner in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest On a Wednesday

On an assignment for USA TODAY having a traditional Hungarian dinner prepared by a local woman from Budapest in an apartment in the former Jewish ghetto, which was evacuated in World War II. Her grandmother was killed in the Holocaust. Her father and mother lived in this home since 1949, creating a family (and inspiring a home chef) through several decades of communism, a time when spices and choice were scarce or non-existent.

Her meal was classic and fulfilling, full of paprika and love, as she talked about becoming a Hungarian food blogger and how she isn’t afraid to express her opinions, no matter how different they may be from her elders.

In her home are decorations of New York, a town her family moved to in the infamous Budapest 1956 migration, searching for a new start. A new life. She loves Brooklyn. And Russ & Daughters. And the area near Bowery. And Magnolia Bakery.

If you ever wonder if the world truly is a small, wonderful, fascinating place? The answer is yes. Absolutely, yes

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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