Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | I Ubered a Boat in Croatia And….
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I Ubered a Boat in Croatia And….

Anyone who’s ever been to Croatia knows it has a certain splendor that can’t be replicated. I was lucky enough to live there recently, near the stony beaches of Split, where I’d spend my self-designated lunch breaks filling up on the octopus and black risotti you find on every menu, and drinking the ubiquitous dry white wine (you’ll even see it in plastic jugs floating in the waves).

While there is much to love about the relaxed culture of this sunshine-drenched region, much of Croatia’s tourism centers around the Adriatic: Though there are more than 60 islands, only about 30 of them are inhabited, with around 10 that attract crowds. From Dubrovnik where “Game of Thrones” fans cluster, to the party-goers who enjoy Hvar, getting around via boat is the ideal mode of transportation. Hence, the reason Uber now offers the option to call one for pick up, straight from their app.

I’ll admit it, as soon as I saw the option appear in my app, I was more than tempted to check off “Ubering a boat” from my bucket list. A few friends and I decided to take an afternoon to test out the service, and here’s what happened:

Read my post on Orbitz.

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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