Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | When Life is a Vacation
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When Life is a Vacation

Though traveling the world for a year is definitely a great privilege and opportunity, one of the biggest reasons I decided to do Remote Year was for the community. Waking up every single morning to a gorgeous view of the Adriatic Sea is wonderful, but walking downstairs to our co-working space and seeing a dozen instant smiles and hearing ‘Good morning!’ from strangers who quickly grew to become friends is better.

This past week has felt more like home, less like vacation.

We’ve all been working and having easy dinners, easy drinks, easy conversation. I’ve definitely taken less pictures and found myself more in the moment. I haven’t documented or taken as many notes, but I’ve laughed and I’ve been tipsy, I’ve had meaningful chats and grown more comfortable talking candidly and openly. From a remote on a mission who found the only cheap taco Tuesday in Split and tossing a ball around in the sea after work, to hiking hundreds of steps to see a breathtaking view at sunset, lugging wine in our backpacks, we’ve been exploring without tourist-ing.

It’s been so nice.

I gave myself permission to ‘just be’ today: work from home, make a salad from local produce, do some laundry in the Croatian washing machine I’ve finally mastered, and hopefully grab a quick dinner by the beach before waking super-early tomorrow for a weekend trip to Dubrovnik.

Remote Year does feel like a dream most of the time, but sometimes? It just feels like life.

While I know there are many ebbs and flows to come, ups and downs to bare, and times when I’ll miss the life I had back home, today, I’m thankful for the candid moments with people I know I’ll treasure forever, in places I’m so lucky to live in, one month at a time.

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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