Lindsay Tigar—Travel and Lifestyle Journalist | One Week In, 51 to Go
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One Week In, 51 to Go

So I packed more than I needed.

I also forgot a very important beach bag (whoops) that I did need.

I only worked out once.

I ate a lot of bread. And not quite as many veggies.

I made all my deadlines, but pushed one right to the last second, with a minute to spare until midnight.

I drank wine out of a plastic jug while swimming in the sea, under the moonlight at 2 a.m., in my clothes.

I went over budget, but enjoyed those extra beers.

I gave in and bought a $5 touristy-fan to take everywhere because 100-degree weather with major humidity is not a joke.

I actually don’t need an air conditioner to sleep at night, come to find out. (But I do need my fan noise playlist on Spotify!)

I figured out VPM. And a Croatian washing machine. And stove. And shower.

I said ‘yes’ to a side trip to Bosnia, where I plan on writing on the bus ride there, since it’s only two hours away. (And yep, pretty pumped about submitting content on the border, because why not?)

I also opted into a Wipeout-like obstacle course on the sea, properly face-planting straight into the saltiest salt water I’ve ever been in.

I have two new lovely blisters.

And 57 amazing new friends.

Week one? Quite exceptional.

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Lindsay Tigar

Lindsay Tigar is a travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, editor, digital nomad, coffee fan and hopeful romantic.

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