A Year Ago Today…
I was a late-bloomer to traveling: didn’t board an airplane until I was 19. And didn’t get a passport until 25.
But since I first touched down in Paris – now four years ago this week – sleep-deprived and thrilled to see the Eiffel Tower with my mom, I was hooked. The world suddenly wasn’t so big and I knew there was so much beauty and wonder left to see. Wine to drink. People to meet.
That’s why today – April 2 – will always be a special one for me. Sitting at brunch in the West Village, again with my greatest fan, my mom, I spent $5k to secure my spot on Remote Year. We drank champagne and walked to Little Italy, marveling at everything I would experience, amazed at the adventure I had before me. All of the stress I had making the decision suddenly waned. We left to explore our fifth country together – Costa Rica – the next day.
18 new countries, 4 continents, 8 apartments, thousands of miles, 44 beds, gallons of alcohol, plenty of tears, hit-you-to-your soul moments, 57 new family members I’m so grateful to call Yugen… and April 2 is here again.
My how life has changed.
Like last night after a day of laughing and drinking at an Easter Brunch, this new family I’ve made over the past eight months ventured to catch the sunset over our new temporary home in Lima, Peru. I climbed over a fence and was caught by a police officer who followed me, but a new friend told me to pause for a photo. We all laughed and I apologized in my Spanglish, and we welcomed this place to our long list of cities we have a short-term love affair with.
If there’s ever a plunge you’ve dreamt of taking, it doesn’t have to be Remote Year or traveling. It doesn’t have to be an earth-shattering, turn-your-world-upside down change. But whatever it is you want to do to shake up your routine, to push you to get uncomfortable, to shower your life with happiness… do it. Ignore the rules. Scale the fence. Try it. Because no matter how many people are yelling at you to play it safe, there will always be someone else to cheer you to… go.
Just go.
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