A Very Yugen Thanksgiving
Health that allows me to travel the world, on little sleep and much booze, fueled by the laugher of newfound, instantly treasured friends – and the endless wonder I witness through their eyes as we experience every new city together.
Google translate, for helping me navigate metros and taxis, trains, planes, Japanese heating systems, lactose-free milk in Portugal, the customs office in Prague, wraps at a Fast Food place in Croatia, Starbucks in Morocco and washing machines worldwide.
FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, email and free iPhone texting, for keeping me connected to my friends, miles and miles away from the place I used to call home. For the steep learning curve of becoming a nomad that among other lessons, has helped me realize the vast importance of friendship – both new and old – where sending text messages before bedtime and rising to read responses has become a moment I always look forward to.
Daily emoji replies to my Instagram stories from my mom and my dad’s new ability to use WhatsApp, just so he can wish me goodnight from oceans away. One day, when my feet are rooted more than a month at a time, I hope to instill the same support and confidence in my children that you’ve so selflessly given to me. For never doubting my ability to become a writer, never telling me any mountain was too high, city too scary or land too far. Airplanes may get me from point A to point B, but mama and daddy – you gave me the wings.
Editors for taking a chance on my sometimes brazen ideas, allowing me to exercise the gift I’d do for free, but I’m amazed to claim journalism as my full-time (ish) profession, happily and tirelessly chasing down bylines from every corner of the globe. What a gift it is to tell the stories of the people I meet along the way, who ignite inspiration, challenge my perception and values, and invite me to live in their little piece of the world, if just for a while.
The five pounds I’ve gained out of prioritizing happiness and adventure over burpees and sprints, that illusive six-pack be damned – I’d rather see the sunset. And the sunrise. And take impromptu trips to not-so-far-away places, have late-night dance parties and poorly belt karaoke, answer the question marks that now have answers that finally make sense, give and receive bear hugs and indulge in deep discussions, attend group dinners for more than 20 people or have airport bites for three. For they all teach me that you can recreate the feeling of home, over and over again, if you’re willing to be open and vulnerable, gracious and spontaneous.
2017. A year I vowed would be different. And it has been from the moment my alarm clock blares each morning. Where I wake up in North Carolina, New York, San Francisco, Napa, New Orleans, San Diego, Greece, Croatia, Prague, Germany, Vienna, Budapest, Tuscany, Portugal, Morocco, Dubai or Japan, often wondering where I am and more importantly, how I got so lucky to experience so many cultures and communities over three continents – and counting.
My heart is overloaded with gratitude for this beautiful, lucky, fulfilling and unpredictable life I have – and all of the people I’m blessed to call mine. From my NYC and NC besties to my genetic family and my Yugen clan, thank you.
Thank you so incredibly much.
Happy Thanksgiving from my timezone to yours. May it remind you of what a privilege it is to be alive.
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