Private Islands You Can Rent (Yep)
As every nomad understands, there’s a difference between traveling and vacationing. Exploring a handful of Eastern European cities in a few weeks, and hopping train to cab, cab to train, can be both a fulfilling and exhausting trek. But lounging by the aqua blue of the ocean, as cocktails are brought to you on repeat? Your overflowing in-box of urgent emails might seem time zones away . . . because it is.
If holiday chaos or the race to the end of the year has you feeling overworked and overwhelmed, consider upgrading past traveling and really vacationing—and invest in private-islanding. A luxury experience like no other, many destinations around the world offer the exclusive opportunity to rent an islet for yourself and whomever you’re hospitable enough to invite. From small havens in Panama to sanctuaries off of the Great Barrier Reef, there’s no need to upgrade to the presidential suites at these locations. The whole place is already yours.
Read my story on Vogue.
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